Model scrisoare de intentie in engleza

Dear Mr. Ionescu,

 I am writing in connection with the position of Sales Manager advertised in yesterday's Romania Libera, position witch matches perfectly with my qualifications and experience. As i have been working in this domain for a few years, some of my achievments include the increase of up to 80% of the revenues, the emerging on the international market, and the successful launching of some products belonging to a number of well known international corporations.

Apart from my deep interest in the position you have advertised, you will also discover that I am a person dedicated to his profession, and I will mention here some of my most recent accomplishments:
  • the increase of international sales from 1% of the company's total income to 75%, dominating more than half of the European market and a third of the market in Latin America in only 2 years;
  • the great development of the client base, witch led to an increase of up to 80% of the company's income and swept competition away almost completely;
  • the creation of a 75 - partner network, coming from 30 countries and 6 continents;
  • reaching a rate of 100% of client retention through maintaining relationships and offering careful attention to services;
  • the opening of a new office in London, witch we expect to double the sales until 2014.
  Your products really belong to the latest technology, being able to change completely the way of organizing sales throug the Internet. I am excited by this technology and i would really like my excitement to be valued in work, thus bringing benefits to your present and future clients. Should you consider that my skills and achievements meet your requirements, I would be glad to meet you in person and discuss the strategies to enlarge your company and to promote it on the national and international markets.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Mihai Popescu

Etichete: model scrisoare de intentie in engleza

Scrisoare de intentie psiholog

Stimate Domnule,

Va scriu aceasta scrisoare de intentie pentru a-mi manifesta interesul cu privire la postul de Psiholog oferit de catre Asociatia dumneavoastra.
Sunt proaspat absolvent al Facultatii de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei din cadrul Universitatii Bucuresti.
Sunt pasionat de relatiile interculturale si umane, dinamic si cu abilitati de comunicare, ascultare si intelegere a oamenilor nevoiasi si nu numai. Consider ca experienta acumulata in timpul studiilor, respectiv o perioada de 6 luni ca voluntar in Asociatia Pentru Bolnavii de Alzheimer, poate reprezenta un punct ferm de plecare in vederea unei colaborari, reciproc avantajoase. Daca veti considera ca experienta si studiile mele sunt suficiente pentru ocuparea postului sunt disponibil in orice moment pentru programarea unei discutii in vederea unei expuneri mai ample a experientei si pregatirii mele.
In sperante unui raspuns pozitiv, va salut respectuos!

Cristian Calin
0700 567 890

Scrisoare de intentie psiholog

Model scrisoare de intentie farmacist

Subiect: In atentia Dep. Resurse Umane

Stimata Doamna/Stimate Domnule,

Va scriu aceasta scrisoare de intentie ca raspuns la anuntul dumneavoastra pentru ocuparea postului de farmacist. Inainte sa ma prezint as dori sa evidentiez faptul ca urmaresc compania dumneavoastra inca de acum cativa ani, atat prin intermediul mass-media, cat si prin prisma unor fosti colegi de facultate, care acum lucreaza in compania dumneavoastra si care au doar cuvinte de lauda vis-a-vis de companie. Plecand de la aceste premise, si cu o parere personala foarte buna, vizionarea job-ului oferit, mi-a reaprins dorinta de a lucra in cadrul acestei companii.